Causality and Semantics – Sorin Ciutacu

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The present-day lingua franca, English, has been influenced by socio-economic, cultural and political changes. This is mirrored especially at its semantic level. The book Causality and Semantics. Semantic Change in Contemporary English by Dr Sorin Ciutacu investigates causality and its reflection in the semantic change of Modern and Contemporary English, putting forward useful examples of new idioms, phrasal verbs and new meanings of old words. Well-organized, coherent and captivating, it is an intellectually teasing journey into the interdisciplinary maze of historical semantics and of the philosophy of science. The book reaches out to a varied readership like academics interested in Linguistics and British and American Studies, philosophers of science and cultural historians, teachers and students of English.

Dr. Claudia E. Stoian, Politehnica University of Timișoara

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